Canoe polo is a dynamic and thrilling team game that features 5 players in kayaks (plus substitutes) and a water polo ball. The objective is to score in a goal suspended above the water at each end of a rectangular playing area, which can be located in open water or a swimming pool.

This sport not only provides enjoyment but also enhances players' water confidence, kayaking proficiency, ball-handling skills, and strategic thinking.

Teacher in charge: Mr Jonathan Dobbie

Competition and Teams: Terms 2 and 3 Taranaki High School Social and Competitive (Open) Leagues - six players per team, 4-6 teams (venue: Bell Block); National Secondary Schools Competition Squad (venues: Palmerston North and Hawkes Bay); multiple national level club competitions, training camps and friendly competitions: Jan-May; Oct-Dec.

Training: Training and National Secondary School Competitions - Term 4, Summer and Term 1 - Saturday/Sunday mornings + one after school training; Venues: NPBHS swimming pool, Lake Rotomanu.

Uniform and Equipment: Black rash top and togs; School rash top provided for competitions; kayak, paddle, PFD and helmet (equipment) hired from Taranaki Canoe Polo Club.

Cost: Subs vary from year to year, and there is a cost for trips away.