There are several opportunities to represent the school in golf.

Each February, we form two four-man teams to compete in Super 8 Golf, a 54-hole stroke-play event spanning two days. 

During Term 2, we engage in inter-school fixtures against Auckland Grammar School and Hamilton Boys' High School, followed by an early Term 3 fixture against Palmerston North Boys' High School.

Furthermore, the Taranaki inter-secondary school competition is scheduled for Term 2, with the winning school representing the Taranaki Region in the National finals.

Teacher in charge: Mr Dale Atkins

Uniform and Equipment: Golf shirt supplied. Long black trousers required for matches.

Cost: Trips are priced individually.

SCP: Golf is offered as an SCP option every Thursday from 2:00pm to 4:30pm during Term 2 and most of Term 3. If you're interested and committed to improving your golf skills, please don't hesitate to approach Mr Dale Atkins to learn how to participate.

Join a club: Become a junior member of Ngamotu Golf Club or a member of another golf club and also a member of Futures Taranaki. 

Futures Taranaki aims to provide young people with the motivation, confidence, and skills to play and be active for life, contributing to healthier, happier futures. The approach empowers young people to learn at their own pace, meet new friends and provides opportunities for young people and families to play together.

Cost: Subs vary from year to year, and there is a cost for trips away.