Coverage of Rules
- Students are under school discipline from the time of leaving their homes until they return.
- The rules also apply in any organised school activity beyond the school, when the activity is within the school’s organisation and control.
- Any activity or online environment where you are an identifiable student of New Plymouth Boys’ High School.
Absence from School, lateness, and leaving the school grounds
- Parents should phone the attendance hotline before 9.00am, or use the School App preferably on the day of the absence.
- In the case of expected prolonged absence, parents must write to the Headmaster prior to the absence requesting permission for leave. NB: NCEA assessments may not be able to be assessed at an alternative time.
- Students must not leave the school grounds without permission during school hours from 8.40am until 3.10pm. If they have to leave for any reason, such as a doctor’s or dentist’s appointment, they must report to Student Services with a card or note and obtain a pass.
- No permanent lunch passes are issued. Students needing to leave school at lunchtime must get a temporary lunch pass from Student Services after obtaining a note from one of the Senior Leadership team.
- Students are required to be punctual, and to be at school, in class, by 8.40am. If a student is late, ie arrives to class after 8:40am, they must report to Student Services before they report to class.
Alcohol, Tobacco and/or substance abuse
- Offences involving alcohol and/or substance abuse including consumption, purchase, and distribution, not only are subject to disciplinary action when committed within school property but also when committed: In association with any organised school activity beyond the school, when the activity is within the school’s organisation and control; and In any public place where the student is present and recognisable as a student of the school; and In any vehicle being used in the course of any organised school activity or to transport a student to or from school.
- Smoking, vaping and the possession of drug paraphernalia is prohibited.
General Conduct and Behaviour in Class
- Students are expected to display a high level of courtesy and manners at all times. Loud and offensive behaviour is not permitted.
- Students are expected to ‘Be the Example’ in their actions at all times under the school’s authority.
- They must not act in a manner that brings, or potentially brings the school into disrepute.
- Chewing gum is prohibited in or about the school grounds.
- While under the authority of the school, students must not engage in activities connected with physical attraction or intimate physical contact between individuals (including, but not limited to, kissing, any form of sexual touching and sexual intercourse).
Bullying and Theft
- No student should steal.
- No student shall bully, harass, assault, fight with, or intimidate another student or staff member.
- No student shall be in possession of, or use knives or other weapons.
Cellphones and Fire alarms
- Cellphones must be switched off and put away in bags for the day from 8:35am to 3:10pm and may not be used for any purpose on school premises without the permission of a teacher, SLT member or the Headmaster. It is the policy of the School to confiscate cellphones and personal electronic equipment should students be in breach of this rule. In the first instance, it shall be for a period of one week. On a second occasion, it will be returned after a meeting with parents/caregivers.
- The wrongful use of a fire alarm could bring to the wrongdoer costs up to $1500.00.
Sickness/Illness and Medication
- During the school day, any sick or injured student must report to student services. Only when a parent is contacted, will the student be released from school.
- No student is permitted to have in his possession, or to provide to any other student, any medication or drug whether illegal or not. The exception to this is the medication prescribed by a medical practitioner in their name and/or dispensed by Student Services.
- Prefects are appointed to assist the Headmaster, the staff, and the students in the efficient running of the school. Their instructions are to be obeyed.
Uniform Regulations
- Students are expected to be in correct school uniform at all times during the school day, and to wear their uniform correctly, inside and outside the school grounds, as per the uniform regulations.
- Use of motor vehicles: students driving or driven by a fellow student to, or from, school in, or on, a motor vehicle, must hold a vehicle or passenger pass which may be obtained by presenting a completed application form, available from Student Services.
- Vehicles must be parked in allocated areas, and must not be driven in the school grounds.
- Bicycles must not be ridden within the school grounds and must be left in bicycle stands and locked.
- Damage to school buildings and property must be reported at once to the Senior Leadership Team. Wilful or careless damage must be paid for. All clothing, books, bags and other property must be clearly named.